- S@motnosc w sieci
- Sad Vacation
- Safe Conduct
- Safe Place
- Safir iz Saint Louisa
- Sailor Moon S The Movie: Hearts in Ice
- Sailor Moon Super S the Movie: Black Dream Hole
- Saint amour
- Salesman
- Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom
- Salt
- Salt of this sea
- Salt, Pepper to Taste
- Salut d'amour
- Salut, les Cubains!
- Salvatore Giuliano
- Sam
- Sam
- Samac
- Samaritan Girl
- Same Old Song
- Same Time, Next Year
- Sámi Bojá
- Samson
- Samurai Spy
- Samurai Vagabond
- San
- Sandor slash Ida
- Saneamento Básico, O Filme
- Sanjuro
- Sans soleil
- Sansho the Bailiff
- Saraband
- Saslušanje
- Satan's Brew
- Satan's Tango
- Satiemanija
- Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
- Satyricon
- Sauvons les apparences
- Savage Messiah
- Saw
- Saw II
- Sawdust and Tinsel
- Scaffolding
- Scandal
- Scandal Makers
- Scarecrow
- Scarface
- Scarface
- Scarred Angels
- Scenes from a Marriage
- Scent of a Woman
- Schloß Vogelöd
- School of Babel
- Science Ninja Team Gatchaman
- Scorching Wings
- Scrapper
- Scream
- Scream 2
- Scream 3
- Scrooge
- Scusate se esisto!
- Se7en
- Sea's Lid
- Sealskin
- Seaside
- Sebastiane
- Sebbe
- Sebični div
- Secret Agent
- Secret Ceremony
- Secret Cinema
- Secret of Kells
- Secret Sunshine
- Secrets & Lies
- Secrets of a Soul
- Sedmi patuljak
- See You Friday, Robinson
- Seks, piće i krvoproliće
- Seljačka buna 1573.
- Selo koje tone
- Semiotic Plastic
- Senso
- Sentimental Destinies
- Sepideh
- Sequences
- Serge Bard
- Sergeant York
- Serial Mom
- Série noire
- Servantes iz malog mista
- Sevdah
- Seven Coffees a Week
- Seven Days Somewhere Else
- Seven Men from Now
- Seven Samurai
- Seven Winters in Tehran
- Seventeen Times Cecile Cassard
- Seventh Heaven
- Sex and Lucia
- Sexo con amor
- Sexy Beast
- Sfinga
- Sfiorarsi
- Shadow Country
- Shadow Game
- Shadow of a Doubt
- Shadowlands
- Shadows
- Shadows in Paradise
- Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
- Shady River
- Shame
- Shanghai Triad
- Shared Bread
- Shattered
- Shchors
- She Came at Night
- She Runs
- She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
- She-Wolf of London
- Shed No Tears
- Shirley: Visions of Reality
- Shock Corridor
- Shoeshine
- Shoot the Piano Player
- Shooting Stars
- Shoplifters
- Shopping
- Short Cuts
- Short Trip
- Short Working Day
- Shortcuts
- Shotgun Stories
- Shouting Secrets
- Show Me Love
- Showroom
- Shutter Island
- Siberian Lady Macbeth
- Side Street Story
- Sidetracked
- Sidewalls
- Sideways
- Signs of Life
- Silence
- Silence
- Silence and Cry
- Silence Has No Wings
- Silent Gunpowder
- Silent Souls
- Silver Spoon
- Simfonija nebeskog grada
- Simon and the Oaks
- Simon of the Desert
- Simple Simon
- Sing Street
- Singin' in the Rain
- Sinner without a Sin
- Sinovi subine
- Sirene i krikovi
- Sister
- Sister Smile
- Sisters of the Gion
- Six Shooters
- Six Shotter
- Sjenka slave
- Skakanje
- Sketches for a Portrait
- Skins
- Skitnica
- Sklonište
- Skok
- Skopje '63
- Skoro vesna
- Sky Bandits (USA: Gunbus)
- Sky spirits
- Slack Bay
- Slap Shot
- Slavica
- Sleep Has Her House
- Sleep Tight
- Sleeper
- Sleeping Beauty
- Sleepless Nights
- Sleepy Hollow
- Slobodna interpretacija
- Slowly Nowhere
- Slums of Beverly Hills
- Službeni položaj
- Small Change
- Small talk
- Smiles of a Summer Night
- Smouldering Cigarette
- Snake Eyes
- Snitch
- Snjegovi Kilimandžara
- Snow White
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
- Snowbird
- So Close, So Far
- So Help Me God
- So Normal
- Soba
- Soccer Days
- Socialphobia
- Soigne ton gauche
- Sokol Did Not Love Him
- Solitary Fragments
- Solo Sunny
- Some like it hot
- Someone to Run With
- Someone's Watching Me!
- Something Different
- Something Has Happened
- Somewhere in the Night
- Somewhere Over the Chemtrails
- Son of Dracula
- Son of Frankenstein
- Son of Saul
- Sonatas
- Song of the Road
- Song of the Sea
- Songs from the Second Floor
- Songs My Brothers Taught Me
- Sonic Mirror
- Sons of Great Bear
- Sorcerer
- Sorry for Kung Fu
- Sorry We Missed You
- SOS! Tokyo Metro Explorers: The Next
- Soul Kitchen
- Sound of Noise
- Sound of the Sea
- Sous tes doigts
- South by Southeast
- Southbound Train
- Southern Voyager
- Søsken til evig tid: Amerikareisa
- Space mission "Delta"
- Spartacus
- Spasi se tko može
- Special Education
- Special Therapy
- Specijalna dostava
- Spellbound
- Spione
- Spirala
- Splendid isolation
- Splendor in the Grass
- Splitski akvarel
- Spoor
- Spotlight
- Spring
- Spring Symphony
- Sputnik5
- Spy Game
- Sreća dolazi u 9
- Sretno!
- Stage Fright
- Stagecoach
- Stand by Me
- Stardust Memories
- Starman
- Staro židovsko groblje
- Stars
- Stars on their Caps
- State of Siege
- Statues also Die
- Stavisky...
- Stay in Marsheland
- Stealing Beauty
- Stela
- Stieg Larsson – mannen som lekte med ilden
- Still Alice
- Still Life
- Still Life
- Still Walking
- Sting
- Sto minuta slave
- Stockholm
- Stockholm Stories
- Stolac sreće
- Stolac za ljuljanje
- Stolen Kisses
- Stone Wedding
- Stormy Monday
- Stormy Waters
- Story of a Battle
- Story of a Prostitute
- Story of Women
- Straight Time
- Strange fruit
- Strange Powers: Stephen Merrit and the Magnetic Fields
- Stranger in the House
- Stranger Than Paradise
- Strangers
- Strangers on a Train
- Strangler vs. Strangler
- Strašilo
- Straw Dogs
- Strawberry and Chocolate
- Stray Dog
- Street of Shame
- Streetwalker
- Stroke of Luck
- Stromboli
- Stroszek
- Stump The Guesser
- Stupid Young Heart
- Suddenly Last Summer
- Suffering
- Sugar Water
- Sullivan's Travels
- Summer 1993
- Summer Fruits
- Summer Hours
- Summer Interlude
- Summer Of ’42
- Summer of Chirusoku
- Summer Vacation
- Summer with Monika
- Summerhouse
- Summertime
- Summertime
- Sumo Do, Sumo Don't
- Sunčana strana subote
- Sunday
- Sunday at Six
- Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
- Sunset
- Sunset Boulevard
- Sunshine
- Sunspots
- Sunya
- Sur les chemins de la rumba
- Surogat
- Surprise film
- Suspicion
- Sutra ujutru
- Suzanne's Career
- Suzie Washington
- Svanuće
- Svijet po Ionu B.
- Swamp Thing
- Swamp water
- Swarabhishekam
- Swedenhielms Family
- Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
- Sweet Dreams
- Sweet Dreams
- Sweet Smell of Success
- Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
- Synecdoche, New York
- System Crasher
- Tabu: A Story of the South Seas
- Tahrir 2011: The Good, the Bad, and the Politician
- Taipei Story
- Tajna dvorca I.B.
- Tajna Nikole Tesle
- Tajna starog tavana
- Tajne srca
- Take Care of Your Scarf, Tatiana
- Take Me Somewhere Nice
- Take Shelter
- Taking Of Pelham 123
- Taking Off
- Tale of Boys and Girls
- Talentime
- Tales from the Golden Age
- Tales of Ugetsu
- Talk to Her
- Tamara
- Tamo gdje je srce
- Tangled
- Tango
- Tango for a Bear
- Tango libre
- Tapas
- Tarantula
- Tartüff
- Tarzan
- Tasio
- Taste
- Taste of Cherry
- Tatanka
- Tatooed Life
- Tattoo
- Taxi
- Taxi
- Taxi Driver
- Tears in the Cold
- Tecumseh
- Tekbetek
- Temptations
- Ten
- Ten Thousand Days
- Tereza37
- Terminal Norte
- Terminal Sud
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day
- Tess
- Testament
- TEY / Aujourd’hui
- That Is the Dawn
- That Most Important Thing: Love
- That Obscure Object of Desire
- That Summer of White Roses
- The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared
- The 13th Warrior
- The 39 Steps
- The 400 Blows
- The Act of Killing
- The Adventure
- The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
- The Adventures of Pinocchio
- The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
- The African Queen
- The Age of Innocence
- The Age of the Earth
- The Agenda and Me
- The Agony and Ecstasy
- The All-Around Reduced Personality: Outtakes
- The Altarpiece Maker
- The Ambush
- The American Friend
- The Anatomy of Love
- The Angel
- The Angelic Conversation
- The Angelos Trio
- The Anniversary
- The Apartment
- The Ape Woman
- The Art of Loving
- The Artist in the Circus Dome: Clueless
- The Ascent
- The Asphalt Jungle
- The Assassin
- The Assassination of Trotsky
- The Audience (NTL)
- The August Virgin
- The Aura
- The Aviator
- The Awful Truth
- The Bad and the Beautiful
- The Bad Sleep Well
- The Baker's Girl of Monceau
- The Balconettes
- The Ballad of Cable Hogue
- The Ballad of Narayama
- The Ballad of Narayama
- The Banshees of Inisherin
- The Barber of Siberia
- The Barefoot Contessa
- The Barefoot Emperor
- The Baron of Arizona
- The Battle of Algiers
- The Battle of Neretva
- The Battle of the Rails
- The Battleship Potemkin
- The Beach of Enchaquirados
- The Beaches of Agnès
- The Beast Must Die
- The Beat of Love
- The Beat That My Heart Skipped
- The Beatles: Eight Days A Week
- The Beauty of the Devil
- The Beauty of Vice
- The Bedroom Window
- The Beguiled
- The Beheaded Rooster
- The Bells Toll for the Barefooted
- The Big Dig
- The Big Lebowski
- The Big Red One
- The Big Sleep
- The Birch Tree
- The Birch Wood
- The Birds
- The Birds, the Bees and the Italians
- The Birthday Party
- The Bitch
- The Bitter Tea of General Yen
- The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
- The Black Cat
- The Black Dahlia
- The Blob
- The Blood of a Poet
- The Boat
- The Body
- The Bodyguard
- The Bohemian
- The Bonfire of the Vanities
- The Bosom Friend
- The Boss of It All
- The Boston Strangler
- The Box
- The Box
- The Boy Who Wants to Live
- The Boy with Green Hair
- The Boys from Fengkuei
- The Brand New Testament
- The Break Up
- The Breakfast Club
- The Bride of Frankenstein
- The Bride of Glomdal
- The Bride Wore Black
- The Bridge
- The Bridge on the River Kwai
- The Bridgeman
- The Brig
- The Brink's Job
- The Brown Bunny
- The Bunker of the Last Gunshots
- The Butcher
- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
- The Cage
- The Cakemaker
- The Calm
- The Canterbury Tales
- The Captain
- The Cardinal
- The Carriers Are Waiting
- The Cart
- The Case of Mr. Spalt
- The Castle
- The Cat Leaves Home
- The Cathedral
- The Celebration
- The Charterhouse of Parma
- The Child and the Soldier
- The Children from the Napf
- The Children of Eternity
- The Chorus
- The Cincinnati Kid
- The Circle
- The Clan
- The Clan
- The Class
- The Climbers High
- The Cloud-capped Star
- The Clowns
- The Club
- The Coachman
- The Codes
- The Cold of January
- The Colony
- The Color of Money
- The Colour of Pomegranates
- The Commune
- The Company of Wolves
- The Conductor
- The Conference
- The Conformist
- The Congress
- The Consequences of Love
- The Consul of Bordeaux
- The Conversation
- The Cotton Club
- The Count of the Old Town
- The County
- The Cow
- The Cranes Are Flying
- The Crested Hen
- The Cricket
- The Crime is Mine
- The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz
- The Crimson Kimono
- The Cry
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
- The Damned
- The Dance of Reality
- The Darjeeling Limited
- The Dark
- The Dark Knight
- The Dark Knight Rises
- The Day I Found a Girl in the Trash
- The Day Looms
- The Day That Shook the World
- The Day the Earth Stood Still
- The Dead
- The Debt
- The Decameron
- The Deer Hunter
- The Demolition Squad
- The Departed
- The Descendants
- The Desert of the Tartars
- The Devil
- The Devil, Probably
- The Devil's Backbone
- The Devil's Daffodil
- The Devil's Eye
- The Devils
- The Diary of a Chambermaid
- The Diary of Diana B
- The Diary of Unknown Soldier
- The Die is Cast
- The Dinner
- The Dinner
- The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
- The Divine Nymph
- The Divine Order
- The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
- The Dog in the Manger
- The Dog Who Wouldn't Be Quiet
- The Double Life of Véronique
- The Dreamers
- The Dreams Came by Coach
- The Dresser
- The Dumbfounded King
- The Ear
- The Earth
- The Earth
- The Earth Trembles
- The Echo
- The Eclipse
- The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the- Moon Marigolds
- The Eight Mountains
- The Eighth Day of the Week
- The Eighth Day of the Week
- The Element of Crime
- The Elephant Man
- The Elusive Corporal
- The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On
- The Empty Canvas
- The End of Agent W4C
- The End of Summer
- The End of the World
- The Entertainer
- The Epidemic
- The Essential Link: The Story of Wilfrid lsrael
- The Eve of Ivan Kupalo
- The Evil Dead
- The Executioner
- The Exorcist
- The Experience
- The Exterminating Angel
- The Eye
- The Eye 2
- The Fabelmans
- The Faces of Lafora
- The Faithful Woman
- The Fall of Italy
- The Fallen Idol
- The Family
- The Family Friend
- The Fatal Encounter
- The Fault of The Sun
- The Favourite
- The Fearless Vampire Killers
- The Fiancés of the Bridge Mac Donald
- The Finger
- The Finger Man
- The Fireman's Ball
- The First Charge of the Machete
- The Fisher King
- The Five Elements - Panchabhuta
- The Five Obstructions
- The Flickering Flame
- The Flight of the Eagle
- The Flight Of The Phoenix
- The Flower of Evil
- The Flower of My Secret
- The Flowers and the Angry Waves
- The Flowers of Kirkuk
- The Flowers of War
- The Fly
- The Fly
- The Fog
- The Forest
- The forest of the hanged
- The Forgotten Faces
- The Fortune Coookie
- The Fountain
- The French Connection
- The French Dispatch
- The Front Page
- The Fugitive Kind
- The Fury
- The Future
- The Game
- The Gamekeeper
- The Games of Love and Chance
- The Garden
- The Garden of Words
- The Geography of Fear
- The German Doctor
- The German Lesson
- The Getaway
- The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
- The Ghost Writer
- The Gig is Up
- The Girl
- The Girl
- The Girl by the Lake
- The Girl from Flanders
- The Girl in the Park
- The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
- The Girl Who Saved My Life
- The Girl with All the Gifts
- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
- The Girls
- The Glass Menagerie
- The Gleaners & I
- The Glembays
- The Go-Between
- The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick
- The Goat
- The Goat Horn
- The Godfather
- The Godfather: Part II
- The Godfather: Part III
- The Golden Age
- The Golden Crates
- The Golden Glove
- The Goldman Case
- The Golem: How He Came Into the World
- The Good Boss
- The Good Girls
- The Good Thief
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- The Goonies
- The Gospel According to St. Matthew
- The Graduate
- The Grand Budapest Hotel
- The grand illusion
- The Grandfather
- The Grandmaster
- The Great Beauty
- The Great Escape
- The great manoeuvres
- The Great McGinty
- The Great Meeting
- The Great Race
- The Great Waldo Pepper
- The Green Room
- The Grim Reaper
- The Guardian
- The Hand
- The Hand of God
- The Handmaiden
- The Hanging Tree
- The happiest Man in the World
- The Happy Guys
- The Haunting
- The Hawks and the Sparrows
- The Head of a Big Fish
- The Head of the Family
- The Headless Woman
- The Heart Desires
- The Heart of the Beast
- The Heiresses
- The Hidden Fortress
- The Hill
- The History of Eternity
- The Holdovers
- The Holy Girl
- The Holy Innocents
- The Holy Mountain
- The Home and the World
- The Honey Pot
- The Honeymoon Killers
- The Honorary Duty
- The Hopeless Ones
- The Horseman
- The Horseman on the Roof
- The Hound of the Baskervilles
- The House
- The House That Jack Built
- The Housemaid
- The Hudsucker Proxy
- The Human Condition I: No Greater Love
- The Human Condition II: Road to Eternity
- The Human Condition III: A Soldier's Prayer
- The Hunchedback Horse
- The Hunger
- The Hunt
- The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
- The Idiot
- The Idiots
- The Idle Class
- The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
- The Immigrant
- The Immortals
- The Incident
- The Incredible Shrinking Man
- The Incredibles
- The Inherent Vice
- The Inheritance
- The Inheritance
- The Inhuman Woman
- The Innocent
- The Innocents
- The Innocents
- The Insider
- The Interval
- The Intruder
- The Invisible Man
- The Invisible Man Returns
- The Irishman
- The Iron Claw
- The Irony of Fate
- The Island
- The Joke
- The Jungle Book
- The Ketchup Effect
- The Kicksled Choir
- The Kid
- The Kid with a Bike
- The Kiev Trial
- The Killing
- The Killing of a Chinese Bookie
- The Killing of a Sacred Deer
- The King and the Clown
- The King of Comedy
- The King of Idiots
- The King of Ping Pong
- The King's Choice
- The Lace Wars
- The Lady From Shanghai
- The Lady Terorist
- The Lady Vanishes
- The Lady Without Camelias
- The Ladykillers
- The Land of Silence and Darkness
- The Lark Farm
- The Last Detail
- The Last Elvis
- The Last Emperor
- The Last Explorer
- The Last House on the Left
- The Last Image of Father
- The last king
- The Last Laugh
- The Last Metro
- The Last of England
- The Last of the Mohicans
- The Last One
- The Last Picture Show
- The Last Pulcinella
- The Last Race
- The Last Real Men
- The Last Sentence
- The Last Temptation of Christ
- The Last Torch Song
- The Last Wagon
- The Last Waltz
- The Lavender Hill Mob
- The League of Gentlemen
- The Legend of Paul and Paula
- The Legend of the Surami Fortress
- The Leopard
- The Lesson
- The Liar
- The Liberation of Harold Kvist
- The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
- The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe...
- The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean
- The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
- The Life of Fish
- The Life of Jesus
- The Life of Oharu
- The Lighthouse
- The Line
- The Lion King
- The Liquidator
- The Little Chaos
- The Little Mermaid
- The Little Soldier
- The Live Flesh
- The Loaf of Bread
- The Lobster
- The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog
- The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
- The Long Day Closes
- The Long Goodbye
- The Longest Yard
- The Look of Silence
- The Lost Time
- The Lost Weekend
- The Lovely Month of May
- The Lovers and the Despot
- The Lovers of the Arctic Circle
- The Lovers on the Bridge
- The Lower Depths
- The Lucky Star
- The Lusty Men
- The Magdalene Sisters
- The Maggie
- The Magic Flute
- The Magic Mountain
- The Magic Of Children
- The Magician
- The Magnet
- The Magnificent Ambersons
- The Making of the Mahatma
- The Maltese Falcon
- The Man from London
- The Man from the Future
- The Man in the White Suit
- The Man Next Door
- The Man to Kill
- The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent
- The Man Who Had His Hair Cut Short
- The Man Who Killed Don Quixote
- The Man Who Knew Too Much
- The Man Who Lies
- The Man Who Loved Funerals
- The Man Who Loved Women
- The Man Who Raised A Storm
- The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
- The Man Who Sold His Skin
- The Man Who Stole The Sun
- The Man Who Wasn t There
- The Man Who Would Be A King
- The Man With the Golden Arm
- The Man with Three Coffins
- The Man Without a Past
- The Marathon Family
- The Maritime Silk Road
- The Marriage of Maria Braun
- The Mass Is Ended
- The Match Factory Girl
- The Matrix
- The Matsugane Potshot Affair
- The Mattei Affair
- The Measure of a Man
- The Merchant of Four Seasons
- The Merchant of Venice
- The Method
- The Midas Touch
- The Middle of the World
- The Milk of Sorrow
- The Milky Way
- The Mill and the Cross
- The Mill on the Po
- The Million Dollar Hotel
- The Miner
- The Miracle of Morgan's Creek
- The Miracle Woman
- The Mirror
- The Misfits
- The Missing Picture
- The Mission
- The Mockingbird
- The Mole
- The Morning
- The Mummy
- The Mummy's Tomb
- The Murderer Hides His Face
- The Murderer Lives at Number 21
- The Murderers Are Among Us
- The Murmuring Coast
- The Muse
- The Music Teacher
- The Mutants
- The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathians
- The Mystery of Picasso
- The Mystery of Sintra
- The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!
- The Naked Kiss
- The Name of the Rose
- The National Shotgun
- The Natural History of Destruction
- The Necessity of Deep Breathing
- The New Land
- The New World
- The Night
- The Night of Counting the Years
- The Night of Iguana
- The Night of the 12th
- The Night of the Hunter
- The Night of the Prophet
- The Night of the Shooting Stars
- The Night Porter
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- The Ninth Gate
- The Noose
- The Notebook
- The Novelist's Film
- The Nut Job
- The Oddsockeaters
- The Odyssey
- The Offence
- The Old Mansion
- The Old Oak
- The Olive Girls
- The Omen
- The Optimists
- The Orphanage
- The Other Line
- The Other Side of Everything
- The Other Side of Hope
- The Other Side of the Bed
- The Others
- The Outcas of the Island
- The Outlaw and his Wife
- The Outsider
- The Outsiders (The Complete Novel)
- The Overpass
- The Ox-Bow Incident
- The Oyster Princess
- The Painting
- The Palm Beach Story
- The Passenger
- The Passengers of the Night
- The Passion
- The Passion of Anna
- The Passion of Joan of Arc
- The Passionate Friends
- The past
- The Pawnbroker
- The Peach Thief
- The Pendulum, the Pit and Hope
- The People Under the Stairs
- The People vs. Fritz Bauer
- The People vs. Larry Flint
- The Phantom Carriage
- The Phantom of Liberty
- The Philadelphia Story
- The Phone Box
- The Physics of Water
- The Pianist
- The Piano Teacher
- The Pickwick Papers
- The Picture Show Man
- The Pirate Bay Away from Keyboard
- The Pirogue
- The Plague
- The Player
- The Player Pianos
- The Plea
- The Plough
- The Policeman
- The Pornographer
- The Portuguese Falcon
- The Postman Always Rings Twice
- The Prefab People
- The Present
- The Prestige
- The Price of a Town
- The Priest
- The Prince and the Showgirl
- The Princess and the Warrior
- The Prize
- The Professional
- The Promise
- The Promised Land
- The Purple Rose of Cairo
- The Queens
- The Quiet Girl
- The Quiet Man
- The Rabbi's cat
- The Rain People
- The Rainmaker
- The Raven
- The Realm
- The Reaper
- The Reckless Moment
- The Reconstruction
- The Red Badge of Courage
- The Red Balloon
- The Red Circle
- The Red Desert
- The Red Horse
- The Red Shoes
- The Reenactment
- The Reject
- The Rest is Silence
- The Restless
- The Return of the Pink Panther
- The Return of the Prodigal Son
- The Reunion
- The Revenant
- The Revolution Is Only a Beginning: Let's Continue Fighting
- The Rickshaw Man
- The Rider
- The Right Words
- The Ring
- The Ring
- The Ring 2
- The Rite
- The Road Home
- The Road to Hope
- The Romantic Englishwoman
- The Rose Tattoo
- The Royal Tenenbaums
- The Rules of the Game
- The Running Jumping & Standing Still Film
- The Russians Are Coming
- The Sacrifice
- The Saint Mary
- The Salt of the Earth
- The Saragossa Manuscript
- The Savage
- The Savages
- The Scar
- The Scarlet Letter
- The Sea Inside
- The Seagull
- The Searchers
- The Second Act
- The Second Awakening of Christa Klages
- The Second Mother
- The Secret
- The Secret in Their Eyes
- The Secret of the Grain
- The Seed of the Sacred Fig
- The Serpent and the Rainbow
- The Serpent's Egg
- The Servant
- The Seven Year Itch
- The Seventh Continent
- The Seventh Continent
- The Seventh Seal
- The Seventh Veil
- The Shameless
- The Shape of Water
- The Shawshank Redemption
- The She-Butterfly
- The Sheltering Sky
- The Shining
- The Shop Around the Corner
- The Shop on Main Street
- The Sicilian Girl
- The Sign of the City
- The Silence Before Bach
- The Silence of the Sea
- The Silences of the Palace
- The Silent Revolution
- The Silent Touch
- The Sixth Sense
- The Skin
- The Skin I Live In
- The Sky Is Yours
- The Sleeping Car Murders
- The Small Town
- The Smallest Show on Earth
- The Smell of Quinces
- The Smurfs 2
- The Snake Pit
- The Snowman
- The Social Network
- The Soft Skin
- The Son
- The Son's Room
- The Song of Sriwijaya
- The Song of the Scarlet Flower
- The Soul Eater
- The Sound Barrier
- The Sound of Music
- The South
- The Souvenir
- The Souvenir: Part II
- The Spectator
- The Spider's Stratagem
- The Spirit of the Beehive
- The Spirits Diary
- The Square
- The Staffroom
- The Stamp
- The Stars Look Down
- The State I Am In
- The State of Things
- The Steamroller and the Violin
- The Steel Helmet
- The Sting
- The Stolen Airship
- The Stone Cross
- The Store
- The Story of Adele H
- The Story of Piera
- The Story of Qiu Ju
- The Story of the Last Chrysanthemums
- The Storytellers
- The Straight Story
- The Strange Case of Angelica
- The Stranger
- The Stranger
- The Stray Bullet
- The Stunt Man
- The Substance
- The Successor
- The Sun in a Net
- The Sun Shines on All Equally
- The Swamp
- The Sweet Escape
- The Sweet Life
- The Swindlers
- The Tale of Genji
- The Tale of King Crab
- The Tall T
- The Tarnished Angels
- The Taste of Things
- The Tempest
- The Tempest
- The Tempest
- The Tenant
- The Tenth Victim
- The Terence Davies Trilogy
- The Testament
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
- The Thieves
- The Thing
- The Thing From Another World
- The Things of Life
- The Third
- The Third Day
- The Third Man
- The Three Disasters
- The Three of Us
- The Tied Up Balloon
- The Tiger Likes Fresh Blood
- The Time Machine
- The Time to Live and the Time to Die
- The Tin Drum
- The Titfield Thunderbolt
- The Tour
- The Townsman
- The Trace of Stones
- The Tragedy of Macbeth
- The Tragedy of Man
- The Traitor
- The Traveler
- The Treasure of San Gennaro
- The Treasure of Sierra Madre
- The Tree
- The Tree of Life
- The Tree of Life (1998)
- The Tree with the Wooden Clogs
- The Trial
- The Trial of Joan of Arc
- The Trial of Ratko Mladić
- The Triplets of Belleville
- The Trouble with Harry
- The True Legend of Tony Vilar
- The True Story of Jesse James
- The Truth
- The Tsugua Diaries
- The Turin Horse
- The Turning Wind
- The Twilight Zone
- The Two of Them
- The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
- The Uncle
- The Unconquered People
- The Unfaithful Wife
- The Unforgettable
- The Uninvited Guest
- The Unknown Girl
- The Untouchables
- The Vagabond
- The Vanquished
- The Verdict
- The Verdict
- The Virgin, the Copts and Me
- The Visitor
- The voice of Bergman
- The Voice of Medviđa
- The Wages of Fear
- The War Game
- The War is Over
- The War of the Worlds
- The Wave
- The Way South
- The Way We Laughed
- The Wedding
- The Welts
- The Wet Dream
- The Whale
- The Whirlers
- The Whistlers
- The White Bird Marked with Black
- The White Fortress
- The White Reindeer
- The White Ribbon
- The White Room
- The White Sheik
- The Wild Bunch
- The Wild Pear Tree
- The Wind and the Lion
- The Wind Carpet
- The Wind Chaser
- The Wind Will Carry Us
- The Winter’s Tale
- The Wishing Tree
- The Wizard of Oz
- The Wolf Man
- The Wolf of Wall Street
- The Woman in the Window
- The Woman Next Door
- The Women's Balcony
- The Wonders
- The Wooden Box
- The Wooden Camera
- The Working Class Goes to Heaven
- The World's Greatest Lover
- The Worst Ones
- The Worst Person in the World
- The Worthless
- The Wrestler
- The Wrong Man
- The Yacoubian Building
- The Year My Parents Went on Vacation
- The Year of the Discovery
- The Yes Man are revolting
- The Young and the Passionate
- The Young Girls of Rochefort
- The Young Lions
- The Young One
- The Young Rebel
- The Young Women of Izu
- The Youth of Kamiya Etsuko
- The Zone of Interest
- Their Frozen Dream
- Thelma
- Thelma & Louise
- Them!
- Then I Sentenced Them All to Death
- There Grows a Green Pine in the Woods
- There is a Light
- There is earth under the asphalt
- There Was a Crooked Man
- There Will Be Blood
- There's Always Tomorrow
- There's No Tomorrow
- There’s No Business Like Show Business
- Thérèse Desqueyroux
- Thesis
- They
- They Do Not Exist
- They Just Come and Go
- They Live
- They Live by Night
- They'll see you in Cosenza
- Thief
- Thieves Like Us
- Thirst
- This Crazy World of Ours
- This Happy Breed
- This Is Not A Love Song
- This Must Be the Place
- This Sporting Life
- Three
- Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
- Three Brothers
- Three colors: Blue
- Three Colors: Red
- Three Colors: White
- Three for Happiness
- Three Girls Named Ana
- Three Hearts
- Three Moments
- Three Monkeys
- Three Strange Loves
- Throne of Blood
- Through a Glass Darkly
- Through the Olive Trees
- Thw Wrong Move
- Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!
- Tierische Liebe
- Tifusari
- Tigar i snijeg
- Tigrero - A Film That Was Never Made
- Tilva Rosh
- Time Bandits
- Time of the Wolf
- Time Renegades
- Time Stands Still
- Time Without Pity
- Times and Winds
- Times of Betrayal
- Times Without War
- Timon
- Titane
- Titicut Follies
- Titus Andronicus
- To Catch a Thief
- To Have and Have Not
- To Joy
- To Live
- To Live And Die In L.A.
- To Return
- To the Election Poles
- To the Wonder
- Todo modo
- Together
- Together
- Token
- Tokyo Drifter
- Tokyo Story
- Tokyo Twilight
- Tokyo-Ga
- Tom at the Farm
- Tomas Vulf’s Wooden Chest
- Tomboy
- Tommy
- Tommy Guns
- Tomorrow
- Tomorrow Is a New Day
- Tomorrow is forever
- Toni
- Tony Manero
- Too Late Blues
- Too Soon, Too Late
- Toponimija
- Tori and Lokita
- Torment
- Torn Curtain
- Torpeur conjugale
- Total Balalaika Show
- Touch of Evil
- Tour de Force
- Tourist
- Toute la mémoire du monde
- Towards Mathilde
- Towards Nancy
- Town Without Pity
- Toy Story 2
- Traces
- Trafic
- Tragedy of a Street
- Train Driver's Diary
- Train in the Snow
- Train to Busan
- Train to Pakistan
- Train Without a Timetable
- Trance
- Transit
- Translucent Tree
- Transmisija
- Transnistra
- Trapula
- Tre giorni di anarchia
- Treasure of Silver Lake
- Treća žena
- Treći ključ
- Trespassing Bergman
- Tri priče o nespavanju
- Tri pronalazača
- Tri sata za ljubav
- Triangle of Sadness
- Trieste, Yugoslavia
- Trolling
- Trouble
- Trouble every day
- Trouble with Being Born
- True Grit
- True Miracle
- True Stories
- Trumbo
- Try To Remember
- Trzecia czecs nocy
- Tsugumi
- Tucker: The Man and His Dream
- Turn Over - An angel is coming
- Tutta colpa di Giuda
- Tutti giů per terra
- Tutto torna
- Tvrđava nasilnika
- Tvrđava Samograd
- Twelve Angry Men
- Twelve Monkeys
- Twentieth Century
- Twenty
- Twentynine Palms
- Twilight of a Life
- Twilight Samurai
- Twilight Time
- Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
- Twinkle
- Two Days, One Night
- Two English Girls and the Continent
- Two Eyes, Twelve Hands
- Two for the Road
- Two-Lane Blacktop
- U oluji
- Ubio sam majku
- Ubu
- Udana žena
- Ujed anđela
- Ultraviolette and the Blood-Spitters Gang
- Ulysses' Gaze
- Umbracle
- Un día de vida
- Un fidanzato per mia moglie
- Un giorno speciale
- Un ragazzo d'oro
- Un voyage
- Una notte
- Unburied Corpse
- Uncle Yanco
- Unclenching the Fists
- Under the Hawthorn Tree
- Under the Moonlight
- Under the Same Sky
- Under the Skin
- Under the Sun
- Underdog
- Underground
- Underworld Beauty
- Underworld U.S.A.
- Unfaithfully Yours
- Unforgiven
- Unicorn Wars
- United States of Love
- Unrelated
- Unrueh
- Until the End of the World
- Up The Down Staircase
- Upin and Ipin/Geng: The Adventure Begins
- Upstream
- Upswing
- Ursa – The Song of the Northern Lights
- Usvajanje odobreno
- Utamaro and His Five Women
- Uus Maailm
- Uzbuna